What We Do
An Independent Agency
As an independent agency, the CMA carries out an important risk-management function for the State of Florida by ensuring constitutionally adequate standards of physical and mental health care are maintained in Florida’s correctional institutions and facilities.
With an independent board and professional staff, the CMA provides oversight and monitoring of the Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) health care delivery and advises the Governor and Legislature on the status of FDC’s health care delivery system. Although an independent agency, the CMA is administratively housed in the Department of Health (DOH) for administrative support. The CMA is not subject to control, supervision or direction of DOH or FDC.
Our Responsibilities
Specific responsibilities and authority related to the statutory requirements of the CMA are described in § 945.601–945.6035, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and include the following activities:
- Reviewing and advising the Secretary of Corrections on FDC’s health services plan, including standards of care, quality management programs, cost containment measures, continuing education of health care personnel, budget and contract recommendations, and projected medical needs of inmates.
- Reporting to the Governor and Legislature on the status of FDC’s health care delivery system, including cost containment measures and performance and financial audits.
- Conducting surveys of the physical and mental health services at each correctional institution every three years and reporting findings to the Secretary of Corrections.
- Reporting serious or life-threatening deficiencies to the Secretary of Corrections for immediate action.
- Monitoring corrective actions taken to address survey findings.
- Providing oversight for FDC’s quality management program to ensure coordination with the CMA.
- Reviewing amendments to the health care delivery system submitted by FDC prior to implementation.
Core Functions

Health Care Surveys
The CMA is required, per § 945.6031(2) F.S., to conduct triennial surveys of the physical and mental health care systems at each correctional institution and report survey findings to the Secretary of Corrections. The process is designed to assess whether inmates in FDC’s correctional institutions and facilities can access medical, dental, and mental health care and to evaluate the clinical adequacy of the resulting care. To determine the adequacy of care, the CMA conducts clinical records reviews that assess the timeliness and appropriateness of both routine and emergency physical and mental health services. Additionally, administrative processes, institutional systems for informing inmates of their ability to request and receive timely care, and operational aspects of health care services are examined.
View Reports
Corrective Action Plan Assessments
Within 30 calendar days after the receipt of a survey report from the CMA, the Department of Corrections submits a written corrective action plan (CAP), indicating the actions which will be taken to address deficiencies outlined in the report. The CMA monitors the implementation of corrective actions and evaluates the effectiveness of the corrective actions taken. Findings deemed corrected are closed and monitoring is no longer required. Conversely, findings not corrected remain open. CAP assessments continue until all findings are closed.
View Reports
Quality Management
CMA’s Quality Management Committee (QMC) provides oversight for FDC’s inmate health care quality management program. The QMC is comprised of a licensed physician committee chair and three volunteer health care professionals including a representative from the CMA Board. The Committee’s mission is to provide feedback to the Department regarding its quality management process and ensure that corrective actions and policy changes identified through the process are effective.